Monday, March 29, 2010

New Century International Elementary School
1. List three technologies that the school plans to utilize.
- Rainwater colections, geothermal A/C, and solar photovoltaic powered systems.
2. Explain each one. (you may need to check out other websites for research)
- collect water from gutters, roofs, and other pipes and is stored until needed(laundry, hygeine, irrigation); uses heat/cool air from under ground to heat/cool your home; panels that use sulight to power electronics.
Earth Day Core Issues
3. Earth Day is coming up. Click on one of the Core Issues. Which one did you choose?
- Conservation and biodiversity.
4. What is the big problem associated with this issue?
- Human expansions and activities.
5. What can you do to fix this problem? Give me a solid paragraph.
- To fix this issue i think we need to stop building so many buildings that we don't need. For example we do not need fast food places if we have stores that provide us with food already. There are plenty of other places that supply us with things that we want/need, so why have so many extra. We may need schools but we don't need shopping malls, we may want shopping malls but we need schools. What we do affects/effects everything else, not just us. We should be greatful and satisfied with what we have instead of wanting more of something we don't need because we are taking it from the ones who need what we take.

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