Thursday, May 20, 2010

blog post #6

1. What was your favorite Geology topic this year? Why?
- My favorite geology topic this year was when we tested the hardness, streak, color, and luster of the different types of rocks because i find rocks interestiong.

2. What was your favorite Meteorology topic this year? Why?
- I think my favorite meterology topic this year was the clouds because i think the different layers and types are cool.

3. What was your favorite Astronomy topic this year? Why? (Include a picture for #1, #2, OR #3)
- I like all of the things we studies in astronomy because i find everything in the universe is super awesome. There is so much stuff out there.

4. What grade do you think you earned on the Final Exam? What did you do to prepare? Is there anything that you wish you had done differently?
- I dont think i did as good as i could have. i studied all week but there were still a few thinks i got confused on or couldnt remember what the answer was. I think i could've spent more time going over the quizes and pre exam.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

blogpost #4

1. What made the Big Bang "bang?" In other words, why didn't the universe just stay in a tiny little sphere the size of a golfball? More details = more points.
- The universe was forced to expand because too much energy was in one spot. kida like when you blow up a baloon and it expands as it gathers more and more air then pops when there is too much. so there was too much enerygy in one spot in the universe and when it exploded everything was pushed and thrown away into other and new locations.

2. What do you think would happen if you went into a black hole? Scientists only know what happens until you get to the event horizon. Anything beyond that is really just an educated guess. More details = more points.
- If you went into a black hole i think there would be a whole new world. I think that because black holes suck in everything even light and i dont think it just disapears. Everything that the black hole sucks in must be in there.
As soon a you touch the Event Horizon you die.

3. Tell me what you think about worm holes? When you pass through one, where do you go? WHEN do you go? More details = more points.
- i think worm holes are AWESOME! i wish i could go through a worm hole because it takes you to a different place and a difference time. I would like to go to the past more than the future but they say that worm holes cannot take you back. Also i have read that we could be visited by people from the future that travel back in time.
We have made a machine that splits atoms to make a hole in space so that we can just go through and come ont into the future.

Friday, April 30, 2010

blog post #3

Planet Quest
1. What are the four ways scientists can detect planets?
- Radial Velocity, Astrometry, Transit Method, Optical Ditection.

2. Which way makes the most sense to you? Explain it.
- Radial Velocity because it measures the position of the star as it is tugged back and forth by gravitational pull.

The Goldilocks Zone
3. Explain the concept of the "Goldilocks Zone."
- It is the area of space in which a planet is a perfect distance away from its home star so that it is not too hot or too cold.

4. If Gilese 581c does have life, what do you think it would look like? How would it act? Would it be intelligent?
- I think life on Gilese 581c would have developed to water because it could most likely be covered with oceans. So they would probably look like fish. Since the grivitational pull is almost twice of Earths then it would be putting more pressure on the things on the planet, so whatever life is there it would be kinda flat i guess.

5. Do you believe in aliens? Why or why not? Give me a solid paragraph.
- I do believe in aliens because we have developed from something else and addapted to our environment. So it culd be very much possible for there to be life on other planets that have developed from something else and addapted to their environment. They may not have the same qualities as we do or the same environment but that is just they place they started in so they learned how to live in it.

Monday, April 26, 2010

blog post #2

1. What is the primary gas in the Jovian atmospheres?
- Hydrogen

2. What is the primary gas in Mars and Venus?
- Carbon dioxide

3. If you had to visit one planet, which would it be? Why? Give me a solid paragraph. (consider many factors such as location, temperature, atmosphere composition, and anything else you you feel is important)
- i would probably like to visit Saturn because it has helium and hydrogen. I also like saaturn because it is super cold. I think it would be cool because it has rings around it and is the second largest planet.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

blog post #1

Black holes- are the evolutionary endpoints of stars at least 10 to 15 times as massive as the Sun. If a star that massive or larger undergoes a supernova explosion, it may leave behind a fairly massive burned out stellar remnant. With no outward forces to oppose gravitational forces, the remnant will collapse in on itself. The star eventually collapses to the point of zero volume and infinite density.

Worm holes- A hypothetical "tunnel" connecting two different points in space such a way that a trip through the wormhole could take much less time than a journey between the same starting and ending points in normal space. The ends of a wormhole could, in theory, be intra-universe.

Dark energy- In the context of dark energy, the cosmological constant is a reservoir which stores energy. Its energy scales as the Universe expands. Applied to the supernova data, it would distinguish effects due to the matter in the Universe from those due to the dark energy. Unfortunately, the amount of this stored energy required is far more than observed and would result in very fast acceleration. So much so that the stars and galaxies would not form.

Titan- Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and the second largest moon in the solar system. Astronomers suspected that Titan might have an atmosphere. Scientists also believed they might find liquid seas or pools of methane meaning water would be frozen due to Titan's low surface temperature.

Pluto- is a dwarf planet that orbits far from the sun. It shares the region of its orbit with the Kuiper belt. From its discovery in 1930, people widely considered Pluto to be the ninth planet of our solar system. However, because of its small size and irregular orbit, many astronomers questioned whether Pluto should be grouped with worlds like Earth and Jupiter. astronomers now classify Pluto as a dwarf planet. Pluto cannot be seen without a telescope.

Monday, April 19, 2010

blog post #6

1. Which blog was your best this quarter? Why?

- i think my best blog thssis quarter was the one about an environmental issue because it had reasons why it was a problem the causes and tyhe effects it has on us. also it has solutions.

2. What topic did you enjoy learning about the most (from chapter 17-20)? Why? Include a picture.

- i like the part about the green house effect because i never understood how the earth was getting warmer.

3. What grade do you deserve for your 3rd Quarter Blogs? (Keep in mind some basic math. If you only did 3 out of 6 of them you cannot earn above a 50%.)

- i think i should get a hundred because all of my blogs are completed and done correctly.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

blog post #4

1. Check out Fayetteville's pollen forecast. Which is affecting us the most right now: tree, grass, or weed pollen? Specifically, which trees, grasses, or weeds?

- Oak trees.

2. "You're Surrounded by Pollen," so read this article. What is needed for a "perfect storm" of pollen?

- Compressed flower season with dry and windy weather.

3. Choose a microscopic image of pollen. Which one looks the best to you? Why? Where is this pollen commonly found? Write a paragraph in your own words explaining this specific type of pollen. Include a cool-looking picture. You may need to use other websites to help you.

- I think the penta anther looks the coolest because it looks spungier that the others. It is commonly found in flowers and transferred to other flowers by insects.

The penta anther pollen when put in other flowers stores more pollen and lets it out later when it is full. This is a big cause of pollination. It has pores which it stores other things and lets them back out.

Friday, April 2, 2010

blog post #3

1. What are the five states of matter?
- solid, liquid, gases, plasmas.
2. What is needed to change a gas into a plasma?
- add heat.
3. What is the temperature at "absolute zero?" (in Farenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin)
- K= 0., °C= -273.15, °F = -459.67
4. What is the temperature in space? (in Kelvin)
- 3K
5. What do you think plasma would like look/smell/feel/taste? How about Bose-Einstein Condensates? Do some research on other sites, but ultimately come up with your own unique answer :)
- look like florecent light, smell like whatever is in it, feels hot, taste like a light bulb duh!

Monday, March 29, 2010

New Century International Elementary School
1. List three technologies that the school plans to utilize.
- Rainwater colections, geothermal A/C, and solar photovoltaic powered systems.
2. Explain each one. (you may need to check out other websites for research)
- collect water from gutters, roofs, and other pipes and is stored until needed(laundry, hygeine, irrigation); uses heat/cool air from under ground to heat/cool your home; panels that use sulight to power electronics.
Earth Day Core Issues
3. Earth Day is coming up. Click on one of the Core Issues. Which one did you choose?
- Conservation and biodiversity.
4. What is the big problem associated with this issue?
- Human expansions and activities.
5. What can you do to fix this problem? Give me a solid paragraph.
- To fix this issue i think we need to stop building so many buildings that we don't need. For example we do not need fast food places if we have stores that provide us with food already. There are plenty of other places that supply us with things that we want/need, so why have so many extra. We may need schools but we don't need shopping malls, we may want shopping malls but we need schools. What we do affects/effects everything else, not just us. We should be greatful and satisfied with what we have instead of wanting more of something we don't need because we are taking it from the ones who need what we take.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Blog Post #1

Choose a major hurricane and answer the following questions in your blog.

1. Which hurricane did you choose?
- Opal

2. What category was it on the Saffir-Simpson scale?
- 4

3. Tell its story.
- Tropical wave moving off the African coast on September 11. The waved moved through the Atlantic and Caribbean on September 23. Developed into a tropical depression near the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula on September 27. Tropical Storm Opal as it reached the north coast of Yucatan on the 30th. Opal then moved into the Bay of Campeche, where it became a hurricane on October 2. Opal continued to strengthen into a category 4, and a period of rapid strengthening. Then weakening followed, and Opal was a Category 3 hurricane when it made landfall near Florida. The cyclone was last seen over the eastern Great Lakes.

4. How many lives were lost? How much damage did it cause ($)?
- 59 deaths, Caused flooding and falling trees.

5. Include at least one picture.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

1. What was your best blog this quarter? What made it so good?
-I think my best blog this quarter was the wordle thingy because it was colorful and creative.

2. What grade do you deserve for your blogs this quarter? Why? (Remember to do some basic math here. If you have only attempted 5 out of 7 blogs, the absolute highest grade you could earn is 71%)
- i have no idear. I think i did good though.

3. What was your favorite topic in 2nd Quarter? Why? (Ch. 8,9,10,12,14, 16) Give me a solid paragraph explaining your answer. Include a picture.
-I liked the atmosphere stuff because i think the ozone thing is interesting.


Wordle: words!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Blog Post #5

1. Pick one of the articles you read. List the Name of the article and publisher.
- It's Official: Am asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs; Kate Kelland

2. What was the author's thesis? (insert the quote)
- "We now have great confidence that an asteroid was the cause of the KT extinction. This triggered large-scale fires, earthquakes measuring more than 10 on the Richter scale, and continental landslides, which created tsunamis,"

3. Do you agree with their thesis? Why or why not?
- I do not believe that an asteroid is the only possible reason for dinosaurs extinction because i just think that there could be something else that happened and we just havn't found out about it yet or we will never know.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Bolg Post #4

1. Choose a scientific discipline (biochemistry, biology, chemistry, etc.) and a scientist from that list. List the scientist and discipline that you chose. What was their contribution?
- William Michael Bright was a zoologist, biologist.

2. Inventions ?List 3 cool things invented by African-Americans and the respective inventor.
- Guitar: Robert Flemming Jr, roller coaster: Granville T. Woodsoller, hand stamp: W.B. Purvis.

3. Checkout the 101 Fast Facts. List your favorite from the "Inventions and Discoveries" tab. Who did you choose? What did they invent/discover? Why is this significant? Also checkout the "Records Breaking," "Little Known," and "Firsts" when you are done.
-George T. Sampson invented the clothes dryer which we use to dry our clothes today(duh).

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blog post #2

1. List all of the geologic periods in order from oldest to present (Cambrian to Quaternary).

- Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurrasic, Cretaceous, Tertiary, Quaternary.

2. Come up with a mneumonic to help you remember the order. (example: My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas).

- Come Order Some Delicious Chicken Parmisian, Tangy juice, creamed tea, quickly.

3. First watch this animation. Then put the rock layers in order from the image on the right.

- D, A, E, B, C.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blog post #1

1. How deep is the deepest mine in the world?
-TauTona gold mine in South Africa

2. How deep would you have to dig to reach the mantle?
-35 km

3. Let's pretend that you and your friends tried to dig a hole in your backyard to find a shortcut to China. The thing is, you guys had special suits that could withstand extreme temperatures, so you would not die. If you were somehow able to reach the mantle, what would it look like? What kinds of things would you see? How about the outer core? Inner core? What would it look like as you approached the surface (the crust) on the other side?
-if my friend and i were to dig through the crust to the mantle it would be a layer of rock. the outer core would be liquid and the inner would be solid. if we dug through the mantle and go through the core, and back through the mantle on the other side, as we approach the crust it would be rocky.
1. What grade do you deserve for your 1st Quarter Blogs?
2. Why do you deserve this grade?
3. Which blog was your best? Why?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blog Post #4

If your parents had to buy a new 2009 or 2010 model car, and they wanted your advice, which car would you recommend? What criteria would you use?

- Pontiac Vibe, because the average gas mileage is good.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

blog post #3

From the websites below, choose 5 minerals that you have used before. Also post a picture of one. For example, you could list gold if you wear any gold jewelry.

-diamond, coal, zinc, gold, and graphite.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

blog post #2

Which map projection is your favorite? Why? Include a picture.

- my favorite map projection is mercator because it is the easiest to follow and shows the whole world.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

blog post #1

Which of the four sciences in Earth Science seems the most interesting to you? Why? Include at least one picture.

- geology, because in sixth grade i had the most awesomest teacher ever and most of our work was with all the different types of rocks and that interested me.